- Convey general academic information
- Convey procedural information
- Monitor academic progress
- Record student contacts in file
- Assist students with faculty contact
- Instruct students in appeal procedures
- Enforce academic standards
- Monitor student comments and refer concerns to proper source
- Convey information in context of student's relationship with the institution
- Monitor student's knowledge and understanding of campus resources and ability to access them
- Help students understand reasons for certain institutional and advising policies
- Act as student's advocate when appropriate
- Assist student to pre-schedule student for next term
- Interpret test results and institutional requirements
- Monitor course selection
- Explain curricular intricacies and major requirements
- Assess appropriateness of course schedule
- Approach scheduling process as an opportunity to increase knowledge and develop skills rather than a one-time event
- Help student schedule in terms of personal abilities and goals
- Interpret tests in clear and sensitive manner
- Use holistic approach to formulating schedules so that an appreciation for an integrated program is developed
- Perform necessary paperwork to assure institutional requirements are met
- Verify documents and accuracy of procedural actions
- Maintain records with understanding that they are personal and confidential
- Student's problems may sometimes be resolved through paper transactions
- Help student explore majors or confirm major choices
- Assist students with long-range planning
- Help students explore or confirm choices within the context of individual and institutional needs
- Help students negotiate decision making process
- Make realistic and relevant referrals to campus resources
- Help students assess their values, interests, abilities and goals
- Assist students to relate their personal strengths and limitations to academic and career opportunities
- Refer students to relevant human, printed and computer resources
- Assist with decision making and the establishment of a realistic plan based on student's unique needs
Gordon, Virginia N., Ohio State University, Advising Skills, Techniques, and Resources, ACT