Advisor Training Academy Resource Library

The ATA has developed a collection of advising resources for use by the WSU advising community. The following resources can be requested for a one-month time frame (or as needed) by emailing Kate Bernas, In addition, advisors can make a request for new resources to be purchased for the ATA Resource Library through Kate Bernas.

Books and Manuals

Book title Author/Source
Academic Advising, 2nd Ed NACADA
Academic Advising Administration: Essential Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century NACADA
Academic Advising Approaches NACADA
Beyond Foundations NACADA
Comprehensive Advisor Training and Development NACADA
Creating Learning Communities Shapiro & Levine, 1999
High-Impact Advising: A Guide for Academic Advisors Academic Impressions
New Advisor Guidebook NACADA
The Power of Story: Narrative Theory in Academic Advising NACADA
Scholarly Inquiry in Academic Advising NACADA

NACADA Pocket Guides

  • Academic Advising Core Competencies
  • Academic and Career Advising for Undecided, Exploring, and Major-Changing Students
  • Academic Advising Syllabus: Advising As Teaching in Action
  • Advising Students on Academic Probation
  • Cultivating the Potential in At-Risk Students
  • Cultural Competence in Academic Advising: Skills for Working Effectively Across Cultures
  • What is Academic Advising?

Professional Development DVDs

Title Source and year
Scenes for Learning and Reflection: An Academic Advising Professional Development DVD, Vols. 2 & 3 NACADA; 2008 & 2010


In addition to the recordings below, advisors can find other free web recordings on numerous topics on the NACADA on Youtube site.

Title Source and year
Advising Strategies for Students who are on Academic Probation, Facing Dismissal or Seeking Reinstatement NACADA; April 2013
Advising Undecided/Undeclared Student for Success

NACADA; Nov. 2009

Academic Advising for Student Development and Persistence: A Strengths Development Approach NACADA; March 2011
Academic Advising Syllabus: Advising as Teaching in Action NACADA; Dec. 2006
Breaking Bad News: Delivery Techniques that Help Students Make Good Alternative Choices NACADA; April 2010
Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process NACADA; Sept. 2010
The Conceptual Component of Advising: Developing the Purpose, Values, and Frameworks for Why We Do What We Do NACADA; Nov. 2010
Demystifying Research in Academic Advising NACADA; May 2016
Developing Intercultural Communication Skills for Academic Advising NACADA; Dec 2013
Ethical Decision Making in Academic Advising NACADA; April 2012
The Informational Component of Academic Advising: Policies, Procedures, and Beyond NACADA; March 2011
LGBTQA Ally Development and Advocacy Empowerment for Academic Advisors NACADA; Jan. 2014
Reaching and Retaining Students: Advising Students on Academic Probation NACADA; Feb. 2010
Reaching and Retaining Students: Effective Academic Advising Strategies NACADA; March 2010
The Relational Component of Academic Advising: Strategies for Effective Communication, Rapport Building and Student Engagement NACADA; May 2011
Steps in Developing and Assessment Plan for Academic Advising NACADA; Nov. 2011
Train Advisors to Proactively Address Diverse Student Needs & Protect Themselves & Your Institution from Risk Paperclip Communications; Feb, 2019


  • A Walk in My Shoes…First Generation College Students, Kansas State University College of Education, 2014.

Advisor Training Academy