
The ATA is committed to offering a variety of professional development opportunities for WSU advisors in many formats. In addition to its training curriculum and other online and in-person modules, the ATA regularly offers professional webinars that provide quality training on timely topics and exposes WSU advisors to the expertise of leaders within the national academic advising community. Webinars are usually streamed live at a campus location, but may also be viewed together virtually using the purchased recording. Consult the ATA calendar for information on upcoming webinars.

NACADA webinars

The National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) webinars are live events that address a variety of topics of critical or timely importance to academic advisors and advising administrators. Each term, the ATA selects and purchases several webinars to present to the WSU advising community. In addition, the ATA will frequently host a NACADA webinar sponsored by the Michigan Academic Advising Association (MIACADA), providing us an opportunity to host advisors from neighboring institutions of higher education to view the webinar on the WSU campus.


Advisor Training Academy