How to get involved

Interested in getting involved in the Academic Advising Council but not sure how or who to contact?  Check out a few of the ways advisors can participate below.

Advisor Innovation Ad Hoc Committee

The Academic Advising council encourages the concept of innovation in the field. In support of innovation a new system of creating Ad Hoc committees has been created. Using the Ad Hoc committee request form, advisors are able to request the creation of temporary committees as an extension of the AAC. These committees can be formed to address any new concepts, interests, or areas of development for the advising community.  Interested?  Use the Advisor Innovation Ad Hoc Committee Request Form to submit a request.

Volunteer for an AAC Sub-committee

Several of the AAC sub-committees are so successful in the work that they do because of their strong committee members.  If you are interested in serving on one of the sub-committees, please reach out to the sub-committee chair to see if there are any openings.

Run for elected office

The AAC is comprised of several members who are selected through an election process.  Read more about each of the elected positions below as well as the nomination timeline below.

Elected Positions

  • President Positions (3 year term)
    • President-elect: The President-elect shall assist the President as requested and shall serve as President in case of the vacancy, resignation, or removal of the President. The President‐elect will serve on the Elections Committee and assist the Elections Chair in soliciting nominations and running the election process for the Board positions each year as well as to serve at the request of the President on committees or task force groups. 

    • President: The President shall preside at all meetings of WSU-AAC and the Board of Directors. The President is generally responsible for overseeing all the WSU-AAC activities. The President may call special meetings of the Board of Directors and will serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees. 

    • Past President: The Past President shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Committee as a non-voting member.    

  • Secretary (2-year term): The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of WSU-AAC and the Board of Directors and shall give notice of special and regular meetings to all members. The Secretary shall prepare all correspondence requested by the Board of Directors.       

  • Treasurer (2-year term): The Treasurer will have custody of all WSU-AAC funds and shall maintain such deposits in a federally insured institution approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall prepare the annual budget, maintain a register accounting for all receipts and provide year-to-date and annual reports at Board of Directors and annual meetings, and have the books available for audit prior to the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for paying annual NACADA dues. The fiscal year will be from October 1 through September 30. 

  • Members-at-Large (2-year term): Members-at-Large will represent the membership on the Board of Directors. The representatives will also work with the various committees to encourage advisors to participate in the activities and programs of WSU-AAC.

Election Timeline

  • Nominations: 

    • A call for nominations will typically occur at the beginning of April and will remain open for 30 days 

    • Nominations can be self or from others.  If nominated by another advisor, candidate will be contacted to confirm their willingness to run for the position 

    • All candidates will provide a brief BIO as well as a picture for the voting platform 

  • Voting: The voting period is typically 2 weeks and will generally open on a Monday. 

  • Results  

    • Results will be shared via email from the AAC Communications Committee 

    • Terms begin September 1 

Appointed Positions

  • Chair, Communication Committee 

  • Chair, Training Committee 

  • Chair, Membership and Nominating Committee 

  • Chair, Service Committee 

  • Chair, Annual Membership Meeting & Advising Summit 

Please contact the AAC President if you have any interest in serving on any of these committees. 


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