WSU Advising Mission Statement

Academic Advising exists to affirm and empower students. To enhance our students’ experiences, Wayne State University Advisors are committed to collaborating with our diverse local and global campus community. We provide equitable opportunities for every student and maximize student success through continuous professional development. Our advising fosters students’ sense of belonging, autonomy, awareness, and self-advocacy.  

Academic Advising Vision Statement​

To be a renowned leader in accessible, comprehensive, and holistic academic advising for a diverse student body.

Download mission statement (PDF)


The above mission and vision statements were the result of the WSU Academic Advising Vision and Mission committee which formed in fall 2023 for the purpose of creating a unified advising vision and mission statement representing the collective advising experiences across all WSU units. The committee completed their charge in December 2023 and ratified both statements in January 2024.

WSU Academic Advising Vision and Mission committee
Dan Hanrath, co-chair, College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts
Margaret MacKeverican, co-chair, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tracy Castle, College of Engineering
Yan Chen, College of Education
Jessica Cheriez,  Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Kalyn Griffin, College of Nursing
Andre Iadipaolo, School of Social Work
Geoffrey Jones, School of Social Work
Heather Laskos, Mike Ilitch School of Business
Jaime Lopez, University Advising Center/Colonel Gregory Gadson Office of Military and Veterans Academic Excellence
Andrew McKinney, College of Engineering
Carrol Reaser Parris, College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts
Rebecca Russell, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Monika Saladiak, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Advisor Training Academy