Get Involved Newsletter: An Opportunity for Connection

By Katie Beaulieu, Associate Director, Student Center & Teresa Wesolowski, Coordinator of Student Activities, Dean of Students Office

You may have noticed this past fall every Sunday and Wednesday you began seeing an email from the WSU Dean of Students Office with the subject "Get Involved:…." This twice weekly email is the Get Involved Newsletter. The newsletter is sent to all students, faculty, and staff to provide current, co-curricular opportunities for students to engage in. The events and opportunities listed are upcoming and dated for the next few days. If you click on an opportunity, you'll be directed to more information.

We want to highlight and share this information about the Get Involved Newsletter because helping our students find ways to engage with one another and our university is imperative. Co-curricular involvement and a student's sense of connectedness to their university plays a crucial factor in their success as a student. Right now, it is evident that students are missing and craving interaction with their peers. As highlighted in the Get Involved Newsletter, WSU staff and faculty around campus are providing opportunities to meet this need, but not all students are taking advantage of what is available.

The Get Involved newsletter is being routed to your inbox as a tool to help you connect the students you serve to these opportunities. We hope you find value in receiving and reading through the newsletter.

Want to learn more about how co-curricular experiences impact student success, and how to continue to help students get involved? Attend the Advisor Drop-in we will be hosting on March 31 at noon.

Have events, activities, or opportunities you want highlighted in the GetInvolved Newsletter? Email Teresa Wesolowski at


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