ATA Update: Our new newsletter

Welcome to Fall 20 and the new Advising Notes monthly newsletter. Similar to other WSU online newsletters, my hope is that this easily published online format will allow the ATA to provide the WSU advising community with timely and relevant features, program updates, advisor profiles, scholarship, and training information that will keep you informed about WSU advising matters and connected with your advising peers. And, the features and profiles will continue to be written by advisors, for advisors. In fact, the Advising Notes team would welcome any interested advisor to reach out to become a member of the editorial team, or to volunteer to submit an article, profile a colleague, or update the community on a relevant topic. Most articles link to additional sources, websites, or RSVP forms. I hope you enjoy this first online edition of Advising Notes.

Please feel free to send your feedback or interest along to Kate Bernas (ab9599).  

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